Hello everyone!
I've taken a L O N G hiatus as to putting my full attention to instagram, and very highly neglecting my poor blog! As also taking on a full-time position at my job as social media manager, I found myself coming home & not wanting ANYTHING to do with my phone or social media. So I would barely even want to post content to my own 'gram much less my blog. I've realized how important my blog is, and how amazing it is that I created this space on the web for my own self! A spot to express myself, say my story, talk about my day, show you all what i've boughten, ate, traveled ... it's a nice thing!
I want to get back to writing weekly, I'm aiming for 2 posts a week, and hoping blogging isn't dead!
I know it's hard now a days for a lot of us to read anything more than a paragraph anymore, the world has taught us the faster the better so if it takes us more than 10 mins.. no thanks!
I'm eager to get back into blogging and sharing on my space here I have on the web!
Especially in the state the world is in, with this global pandemic, it's important to document how we feel, and what's going on, because we are literally living in what will soon be in our kids or future generations history books!
As I drink my doubleshot on ice, I'm also working on getting my own instagram, and amazon account up to date. I always get questions about where I get certain things, or what I recommend for such and such, so I want to get back into sharing things again, we are all in quarantine together so might as well, chat with each other, share what we love, and how to make quarantine a little less difficult!
the photo above is me with my new plant, i've decided to take on gardening, so I'll update on that too!
talk to you soon everyone!
- Sarah