So school is back in full force, and it is time for me to get back to a set schedule, or currently trying to figure out a schedule. I have classes only Tue/Wed/Thur so I can't complain because, I rather love my schedule, I like having Monday's and Friday's off (used to be only Friday's, now I'm getting used to Monday's too...spoiled!). My Tue/Thur are my longest and earliest days, so coffee is a must, because I wake up at 6:30 *yikes*!! Although I wake up dreadfully early, it's nice to be sleepy by 10:30 and go to bed at a "normal" time. So far my classes seem great, I'm really loving the Rehab Dept. at my college, the professors are great, my classmates are nice, and all really helpful. The only thing I can complain about is the awful heat we must walk around in during the day..gosh, it feels intolerable sometimes .. but fall is coming soon...I hope! Hope everyone is having a good start to the semester or a good start to your jobs, OR a good start to the fall season!