ACL weekend {insta style}

By Sarah Davila - 1:50 AM

{Day 1}
{Day 2}
{my girlfriends I went with}
{beautiful Zilker park in Austin}
{Tame Impala . . I was absolutely stunned & speechless after their performance}
{Wilco, so amazing to see them live, they're great}

So this past weekend I went to my first ACL in Austin, Texas, and it was an absolute experience. I didn't think it be as tiring as it was but my body was definitely feeling the pain by day 2! Nevertheless, I had a wonderful time and it's such an experience to be surrounded by good music and people who appreciate music, it's like a big party with a bunch of happy people. I didn't get a picture of myself day 3, but it's all good, I also couldn't snag too many pictures of all the bands, cause everyday was a struggle of keeping my phone's battery alive for 10 hours, it made it, but my the end of my day my phone would be at 1%! So I tried to conserve my battery in case me or my girlfriends got separated. 

Some of my favorites about ACL:
- the weather was great (minus the first day)
- iced lime-a-ritas
- soft grass
- free refill water station
- sitting on the grass is acceptable (my legs were exhausted)
- dancing is completely okay (even if you dance a lil crazy)
- everyone is happy
- it's okay to be weird
- I got to see Thome York (like wow)

My favorite performances:
- Tame Impala (my super fav)
- Wilco
- Arctic Monkeys
- Silversun Pickups
- Franz Ferdinand
- The Cure
- Muse (a second fav)
- Grimes (what a cutie)

What I learned:
- HYDRATE YOURSELF (learned the hard way)
- take a little backpack
- dress comfortably + comfy shoes
- conserve your phones battery
- look at the weather before
- be prepared to be in tight crowds
- go with an open mind & be prepared to see anything & everything

{In the end, I'm so happy to be back home with my love}


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